Source=FieldGlass;SourceID=KAISJP00214490 ;Status=Submitted;Client=San Francisco 2425 Geary Hospital (CN31 ;City=San Francisco ;State=CA ;Zip=94115 ;Start=5/15/2023;End=8/19/2023;Duration=14 weeks 96 days;Cert=Therapy ;Specialty=Physical Therapist - Critical Need ;Unit=Asst Dir Rehabilitation Svcs (14987459) ;Shift=8hrs 08:30 AM to 05:00 PM;# of Postions=1;Guaranteed Hours=40;Type=Travel;BillRate=$87.60;minBillRate=$86.43;OTRate=116.68 ;Description=Previous experience in acute care/ICU preferred. Work hours: 0830-1700 One position will include to cover every Saturday. Other position, minimum 2 weekend shifts per month. 1) 0.7 FTE (alternating 32 hrs and 24 hrs every other week) 2) 0.8 FTE (32 hrs per week)
Winter Plan Need = No
BillingString =
Comment:EnteredNameComment05/16/2023 05:39 PMWeddle, Abby ( experience in acute care/ICU preferred. Work hours: 0830-1700 One position will include to cover every Saturday. Other position, minimum 2 weekend shifts per month. 1) 0.7 FTE (alternating 32 hrs and 24 hrs every other week) 2) 0.8 FTE (32 hrs per week)
Hours per Day:{8}
Labor Type:{Healthcare}
Respond by Date:05/15/2023 ;Buyer=$87.60 ;url=;AvgHoursPerWeek=40 localRate=$86.43;InterviewRequired=False ;WinterPlanNeed=No;